Intelligence is an adjective that humans got distinguished from other creatures for millions of years and it has been classified into 9 types.
And the human has been set as an intelligent creature because of the knowledge that he knows in many scientific fields, and the reason for earning it, that the brain uses some abilities, which are related to consciousness, rating, remembering, taking decisions and in some cases, it reflects on feeling, the memory, thinking then they’re being stored as experience.
Because of the huge scientific evolution, which affected humans’ brains, they started changing the world using devices that simulate their minds ( Artificial Intelligence) in machines that will be able to feel, think and help in changing the universe, because it’s an important field and this isn’t everything.
Let’s know more about IEEE AI Workshop
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IEEE AI Workshop
IEEE PUA SB introduced in 2020 a IEEE AI Workshop one of imulating new opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as practical application on more than 20 tools related to this field, such as content creation, data analysis, and other useful practical applications. New methods of studying artificial intelligence were also discussed to facilitate the study process for Engineering students about AI through The Blue Brain – IEEE AI workshop for more than 100 students in Pharos university in Alexandria.